Thursday, December 4, 2008

DIY #7: Adding fun buttons to a winter coat

Sorry, there's no "before" photo, but just imagine
this coat with plain faux-shell buttons.
(The photo is kinda bad, so just in case you can't tell...the new buttons are teal.)

Suggestions: When you find a winter coat with great shape and fabric, but boring buttons, you can still save it by adding colorful/interesting buttons. In fact, "new" buttons can make one of the biggest differences in a garment - always consider changing that first (it could save you a lot of effort).
Inspiration: confections (cupcakes, candy, etc.), and a jacket from the Fall 2006 Trovata collection.
Tools: winter coat (from your closet or a second-hand store), interesting buttons that are the right size for the buttonholes (you can get these from secondhand stores,, ebay, sewing stores, Hobby Lobby, or from other coats), thread that matches the buttons or coat, scissors, sewing needle.
Difficulty Level: 1 (easy as pie)
Wear with...a cute vintage hat or beret (preferably teal or mustard)

There really aren't even any steps. Just remove the old buttons and sew on the "new" ones.
So simple!

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