Saturday, November 29, 2008

DIY #5: Easiest Trench Update Ever!

Suggestions: There are several things one can do to a plain trench coat to pep it up, but here's a quick fix that anyone with an iron can do.
Inspiration: Kate Hudson wears a coat similar to this in Le Divorce (except the patch on her coat is on the sleeve), a movie I love because I'm a francophile. And 1940s movies where the women look like gorgeous spies in their trench coats and berets.
Tools: Trench coat or almost any thin overcoat, military/preppy iron-on patch, iron & ironing board
Difficulty Level: 1 (easy as pie)
Wear with...anything from dark skinny jeans and an American Apparel tee to a vintage 1940s dress and a beret

No instructions even! Just place on the chest of the coat and iron till it's secure. That's it!

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