Monday, July 7, 2008

July 2008 Updates

We officially switched booths (to #136) in Mid-towne Antique Mall on July 1. Check out our bigger, better location - near the back, by the restroom. We are now selling jewelry - a few pieces at least. We have a trend/inspiration board featuring some photos that we find inspiring, and we hope you do as well. We have a lot of shoes for only $10 or less! We also have a ton of summer dresses - many for $20 or less!

We were fortunate enough to be featured in the July 2nd issue of Sync, a weekly Little Rock publication. Visit Sync's website at

Magpie & Birdie will be providing apparel for the Dr. Sketchy's portion of the Art Party on Friday July 11 at Market Street Cinema (1521 Merrill Drive). I think it starts around 9PM. There will be art for sale, music, etc. There's probably a small cover charge.
Check out the Arts Scene myspace at

Magpie & Birdie apparel will be featured in the fashion segment of the 5th Annual Style and Variety Show on Saturday, July 12 at the Rev Room. For more information, visit

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